Release 0.10 Brings Networking to Prefab Variants
We just released a new version of our SDK.
This brings with it a big, new feature, several quality of life improvements and bugfixes that will make your multiplayer game development even more enjoyable.
What’s New in 0.10
Our documentation received a much-needed overhaul, making it easier to use.
CoherenceSync is now a first-class citizen when using Prefab Variants (for more info on those, see Manual: Prefab Variants). Setting up variants allows you to maintain copies of Prefabs that have a slightly different behavior or appearance. For example, you can have a base enemy Prefab, and create enemy variants with different colors or models. With coherence 0.10 you can now bring variation to the way they are networked, too.
Adding CoherenceSync to Prefab Variants
Reverting overrides on Prefab Variants
Plus: [Sync] and [Command] attributes now allow renaming and migration, and many other features that improve quality of life, stability, performance and ease of use.
If you haven't yet, you can now sign up to start using coherence for free.
Double Credits for Early Access Sign-Ups
Any new developers who sign up for free before January the 15th 2023 will receive double credits to run their multiplayer projects for the first 3 months of 2023. If you’ve been thinking about trying out coherence, this Early Access phase and the extra credits should give you a great opportunity to find out for yourself how coherence fits your project. To get a small taste, take a look at the video below.
Existing users can upgrade to 0.10 in a few easy steps.
Comments, thoughts, or feedback? Tell us in the community.
Release Notes
For the full list of changes, check out the 0.10 Release Notes.
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